Monday, March 25, 2013

The New chicks

These chicks are a month old already, I will take some more tomorrow and add them.

Making our Duck House

We paid $10 for the moving crate, $15 for the plywood, all the studs are free spacers from lowes and everything else is what we had laying around ..... cheap cheap cheap
This is the original moving crate, I put on the 3 studs then realized I needed a before picture.

 Its not water proof yet, were going to cover it with a large trarp I have in the garage until we know if these ducks are going to lay eggs yet, then we'll make it look real pretty. That way we can save some money.  Next I need to finish the access door and put in the little door fo the ducks to walk in and out of.  Hopfully it will be finished by tomorrow or Wednsday so I can finish the chicken coupe.